Bilsdale and Carlton Schools have a school uniform, we show below the requirements.
· Burgundy (Bilsdale) Royal blue (Carlton) sweatshirt, jumper, or cardigan (not hoodies)
· Dark Grey, black or navy skirt, pinafore, trousers, or shorts
· White blouse, shirt, or polo-shirt
· White, grey, or black socks or tights
· Sensible flat, black school shoes (boys & girls) NOT trainers (which are for sport only please)
· A cotton type gingham dress (Bilsdale red or Carlton blue) and sensible sandals may be worn in summer
· Please ensure that all clothing and footwear are clearly marked with your child’s name.
It is possible to order uniforms embroidered with the school logo and your child’s initials directly from Elizabeth’s Embroidery by telephone 01642-674973 or on their website
A ‘standard’ book bag is required – these are available from Elizabeth’s Embroidery; we recommend that you have your child’s initials put on as this helps with easy identification. Please do not purchase the school rucksacks, especially for younger children, as these are too large and bulky for their needs.
For reasons of safety only small stud earrings may be worn in school and these must be removed for sport; NO nail varnish, make-up or ‘tattoos’ are to be worn and hair adornments should be small, and simple but effective! Pupils with longer hair are advised to wear it fully tied back from the face – for safety reasons elastic bobbles should be used to secure longer hair for PE this applies to both girls and boys.
The school PE kit is designed to be comfortable and practical. Parents/carers are not expected, or encouraged, to buy expensive items. The supermarket brands are very good value and made to be washed frequently. Bright colours, stripes and logos are not acceptable under our policy.

- black or navy tracksuit
- black shorts or cycling shorts
- plain black, grey or navy trainer
- drawstring bag for school shoes
- white cotton t-shirt or polo shirt
- socks – suitable for the season
Staff have been instructed to notify parents/carers if children do not have the correct clothing within the uniform requirements or for the activities they are participating in. We are sorry that we will be unable to provide clothing for children who forget to bring kit. Younger children should be provided with clean spare clothing if parents/carers think this may be required. Please do not hesitate to ask if you need further information.